Jan 3, 2010

Read the Bible This Year

I have challenged myself and my church to make the Bible a regular and daily part of their life this year. There is absolutely no substitute for a diet on God's Word. There are tons of great Bible reading plans out there. I wanted to list some of them to you and ask you to commit to being a student of God's Word in 2010.

YouVersion.com - This is a great resource for reading the Bible and has tons of Bible Reading plans. Plus, you can interact with others you may know who are on it.

ESV.org - This is the site for the online version of the English Standard Version of the Bible. It's my personal favorite and the Bible I use in my weekly preaching. The website has several Bible Reading plans you can read online or download and print out. I would recommend the "Every Day in the Word" or the "Daily Reading Bible".

BiblePlans.org - great site with 13 different plans. Choose the one that works best for you.

John Piper's Plan - a plan Piper uses from Discipleship Journal. A great plan. Very balanced and gives you days off to catch up.

Whatever you choose, make sure to stay disciplined! If you get off track, don't worry. Push ahead or try a different plan. It's not the plan, it's the discipline of feeding regularly.