Nov 4, 2008

The Best Decision I Ever Made

This past Saturday, I celebrated the best decision I ever made in my life. 11 years ago, my heart was stolen by a beautiful red-head as I sat across the dinner table from her at her dad's house. I was instantly captured. When I returned to Alabaster three weeks later as the youth minister of Westwood, I had two things I was excited about. First, I was about to begin a fresh start in ministry at a growing church. Second, I was about to ask out a beautiful woman for the first time in 5 years. Our first few dates were exciting and fresh. I knew quickly that I wanted to be with this woman for the rest of my life.

On Nov. 1, 1997, I stood before the church and made the commitment to love, honor, and cherish this woman for the rest of my life. Life has never been the same. She has blessed me by being a wife that holds me up too high most of the time. She has given me three incredible boys who bring new adventures everyday. She is my biggest believer and most vocal cheerleader.

Happy Anniversary Alison. I love you.


Haines said...

You did make a great decision! And Alison if you read this I wanted to let you know you are the best sis-n-law I have ever had! I know it hasnt been a lot but it is still tough to beat you!